Thursday 4 August 2011

Kaleidoscope / Acoustic version

Check out this acoustic version of a track from my new EP 'Rag And Bone' . You can download it for free .

Saturday 16 July 2011

Rag And Bone

My new EP 'Rag And Bone' is out now ! Available for download at  iTunes , Emusic ,  Amazon and Hmv  etc . It features four new songs . You can also find it on spotify , where you can find my other two albums . I am also pleased to say I have a song included in the latest 'Folkcast' , which is a radio style podcast .You can download it at itunes for free and listen to it for free via the folkcast website . Its got some great music on it , so check it out . My 'Soldier' song is also available as a free download via .
Going back in my studio now , plans for a full album later this year , stay tuned !


Monday 3 January 2011

New Year / New Album

I am working on new songs for my third album . I have the raw material but have to get the structures and lyrics sorted . I hope to do some joining instrumentals to go from track to track . Also I will be doing more blogging ! Happy New Year and thanks for your interest in my music . Nigel Brown