Friday 14 October 2016

The Sands Of Time - Airplay

My new EP is getting a lot of airplay, in fact it's getting the greatest radio exposure of any of my releases! Thanks to: Channel Radio, Croydon Radio, Chasing Your Dream, Wigwam Radio, Control Radio UK, Blues And Roots Radio, The Acoustic Yard, Folkcast, Matt Barker Radio, The Biscuit Boys, Lonely Oak Radio,  Ultimate Radio, West Norfolk Radio and Terry Love on 6Towns Radio. For more info check

The Sands Of Time - Reviews

The new EP is getting some great reviews! Check by
for the latest news and reviews. All the best Nigel

The Sands Of Time - EP

The new EP 'The Sands Of Time' is out now and receiving great reviews! Check out for the latest news.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan wins Nobel Literature Prize -